Seattle Scottish Highland Games Association

Scotland Comes to the Pacific Northwest


Thank you to all our attendees, the Clan Gordon Pipe Band, the Kenmore & District Pipe Band, Piper Johnny McBride, our Scottish Country Dance instructor Scott Davis, Premiere Meat Pies, and our dance band BottleRockit for making the 57th Heather Tartan Ball & Silent Auction this past Saturday, November 4 a success. And thank you to our friends of SSHGA who donated amazing items to the Silent Auction and our VOLUNTEERS who ALWAYS make the good times happen.
AND again this YEAR we have proof that a great time was had by ALL… our 2023 photo and EVERYONE having a blast!!!

Mark your calendar and plan to join us on November 2, 2024 for another great evening!

The Premiere Scottish Event of the Season!

November 2, 2024
Seattle Latvian Cultural Center
11710 – 3rd Avenue NE
Seattle, Washington

Don your Clan tartan and plan to attend an evening of Scottish entertainment with pipe bands, highland dancing, country dancing, ballroom dancing and a Silent Auction. The Seattle Scottish Highland Games Association is pleased to extend to you and your friends an invitation to join with us for the 56th Annual Heather Tartan Ball and Silent Auction on Saturday, November 4 at the Seattle Latvian Cultural Center, 11710 – 3rd Avenue NE, in north Seattle.

The aim of our dance committee is to provide an evening of enjoyment and entertainment with all the proceeds going to benefit the 78th Annual Pacific Northwest Scottish Highland Games and Clan Gathering to be held July 26 and 27, 2025 at the Expo Center in Enumclaw, Washington.

The doors open at 6:00 PM with a social hour. The Silent Auction begins at 6:00 PM and runs through 9:30 PM. Instruction in Scottish country dancing will take place at 6:30 PM and a second set at 9:30 PM. Beginning at 7:45 PM dance music will be provided by BottleRockit and throughout the evening you will enjoy pipe band performances.

Heather Tartan Ball Tickets will be on sale towards the end of August. Stay tuned!

Enjoy a couple videos from past events!

Join Clan SSHGA Today! You'll Be Glad You Did!


As a self-supporting, non-profit, all-volunteer organization funding our programs can be difficult. With no corporate backing behind us, and the escalation of expenses over the last few years, our efforts to meet our budget requirements and explore additions to our lineup, has been stymied.

Our journey has been a struggle but with your donation we can navigate and survive these unprecedented times and go into the future solvent and whole! YOU are appreciated.

Thank you for donating to help us continue bringing Scotland to the Pacific Northwest!